Woodpecker Removal in Vancouver

Left unchecked, woodpeckers destroy infrastructure and cost Vancouver homeowners thousands in repairs. By taking proactive action, you can defend your house from these costly invaders. If you are dealing with an invasive woodpecker problem around your Vancouver home, call All Green Pest Control today at (604) 990-0100 for effective and humane woodpecker removal services.

Woodpecker Removal in Vancouver

Why Woodpeckers Attack Houses

Woodpeckers can cause major headaches for homeowners when they start damaging houses. These birds drill holes into wood siding, window frames, shingles, and more using their strong beaks, searching for food or creating nests. Not only is this destructive behavior annoying, but it can lead to extensive damage that needs home repairs if left unchecked. There are a few reasons woodpeckers attack houses:

Food Sources

Woodpeckers feed on insects and insect larvae in wood and trees. If your home’s infrastructure and siding contain active infestations, woodpeckers will start pecking away to get inside. Common attractants are carpenter ants, termites, beetle larvae, and other bugs.

Why Woodpeckers Attack Houses

Nesting Sites

In addition to finding food, woodpeckers also drill cavities in soffits, vents, and exterior walls to create nests and roosting spots. This usually happens in early spring when mating season begins. The rapid pecking or “drumming” on house infrastructure also serves to attract a mate.

Establishing Territory

Woodpeckers are very territorial, especially during breeding season. The loud drumming marks the bird’s domain, seeing off any competition. Houses make prime targets as the wood offers an amplified drumming sound.

3 Most Common Pesky Woodpeckers in Vancouver

There are several woodpecker species found in the Vancouver area that end up causing issues for homeowners. The three main culprits behind residential woodpecker damage are:

Northern Flicker

Distinguished by black spots on its chest and barred wings, the Northern Flicker is a common Vancouver woodpecker measuring 12 to 14 inches long. These brown-winged birds feed mainly on ants but also drill holes seeking shelter.

Northern Flicker
Downy Woodpecker

Downy Woodpecker

The Downy Woodpecker is the smallest woodpecker in Vancouver, identified by its black and white coloration with a red spot on the back of its head. At just 6 to 7 inches, these birds are still capable of drilling damage.

Pileated Woodpecker

Pileated woodpeckers are the largest woodpecker species found across Vancouver, over 16 inches long with a flaming red crest. These primarily black birds target carpenter ants but also create deep, oblong holes in houses. Their damage is extensive due to their large size.

Pileated Woodpecker

Book Your Woodpecker Removal Service

Top 5 Places on a House Where Woodpeckers Drill Holes

Woodpeckers can drill holes virtually anywhere on a house, but there are certain spots outside a home they target more frequently when seeking food or creating roosts:

Cedar Wood Siding

The soft cedar used on many Vancouver homes makes an inviting surface for woodpeckers to dig into. These birds easily excavate holes of all sizes using their chisel-like beaks.

Window Frames and Trim

The nooks of window frames and trim boards provide excellent crevices for insects to hide and nest. Woodpeckers relentlessly hammer away at cracks, seeking centipedes, carpenter ants, beetles and other morsels inside.

Rain Gutters

Gutters trap moisture and debris along a home’s roofline, creating the perfect environment for insects to congregate. Woodpeckers will peel back metal flashing and tear into the wood beneath, gaining access.

Roof Vents

Like gutters, vents also draw insects seeking the warm, dry shelter inside attics. Woodpeckers rip into the protective screens and wood surrounding vents to reach larvae and other bugs inside.


Chimneys make ideal nesting spots for a variety of Vancouver birds, including woodpeckers. These birds excavate holes in the brickwork to roost and lay eggs. Their activity also dislodges bricks over time.

Vancouver Woodpecker Deterrents and Repellents

To successfully get rid of destructive woodpeckers and stop costly damage, you need an integrated pest control approach using multiple deterrents and repellents. Common effective woodpecker deterrents include:

Physical Barriers

Installing physical barriers prevents woodpeckers from landing on and accessing areas to cause damage. Some barrier options are:

  • Plastic Netting – Stretch plastic mesh netting over damaged zones and potential problem areas. The openings are too small for birds to grip or peck through. Use an ultraviolet-resistant grade netting for longevity.
  • Metal Flashing – Cover wood siding, window trim, vents, and other entry points with aluminum, galvanized steel, or copper flashing. The smooth surface deters landing and resists woodpecker bills.
  • Fake Predators – Place lifelike plastic owls, falcons, and hawks near woodpecker activity areas. Birds instinctively avoid these predators, so the replicas help discourage landing on your home.
  • Scare Tape – Flap foil strips and metallic streamers in the breeze to frighten woodpeckers away. The unpredictable motion and reflections mimic predators and signal danger to pests.

Sonic Deterrents

Sonic devices produce unpleasant noises, vibrations, or ultrasonic frequencies that irritate woodpeckers and cause them to avoid treated areas. Examples of audio deterrents include:

  • Electronic Noise Makers – These battery-powered units emit random bursts of woodpecker distress calls and other alarming bird sounds that pests want to avoid. Strategic placement deters them from protected zones.
  • Predator Bird Distress Calls – Similar to electronic noise makers, these standalone devices only broadcast threatening calls of hawks, crows, owls, and other natural predators to trigger the innate fight-or-flight response in woodpeckers.
  • Ultrasonic Repellers – Ultrasonic devices produce high-pitched sounds above 20 kHz that are inaudible to humans but frighten small birds away. Effective models automatically vary output to prevent birds from acclimatizing (getting used to the sound).

Chemical Repellents

Applying taste and scent deterrents makes areas unappealing to birds. Woodpeckers avoid landing and drilling into treated surfaces. Common repellent products include:

  • Bird Gel Repellents – Clear or translucent gel containing the bittering agent methyl anthranilate can be directly applied to problem surfaces. It causes a burning sensation that irritates birds upon contact. Reapply after rain.
  • Liquid Bird Repellents – These liquid repellents for spraying contain grape extract or essential oils that birds dislike. The lingering scents provide an unpleasant environment to repel nesting and roosting.
  • Anthraquinone Formulas – Anthraquinone repels all types of pest birds. Unlike other chemicals, birds do not get used to its presence over time. It deters feeding, roosting, and nesting behaviors.

Visual Deterrents

  • Woodpecker Scary Eyes – Using visual deterrents like “Scary Eyes” bird deterrents can be an effective way to discourage woodpeckers and other birds from damaging buildings and structures. These deterrents work by mimicking the eyes of predators, creating an environment where woodpeckers feel threatened and unsafe.

Tips For Proper Deterrent Use and Installation

For woodpecker deterrents to work effectively, it’s crucial to conduct proper selection, placement, installation, and maintenance:

  • Use multiple deterrent types together for best results.
  • Tailor the deterrent plan to the specific woodpecker species causing damage.
  • Ensure deterrents protect all possible woodpecker entry and exit points.
  • Replace batteries and reapply liquid or gel repellents regularly.
  • Ensure netting and metal flashing are installed without gaps and held firmly in place.
  • Persistently maintain deterrents so woodpeckers do not return.
  • Seal up existing holes and repair damage to prevent re-entry.

Following these tips and working with bird removal experts maximize your chances of successful woodpecker eviction without harming the birds.

Humane Vancouver Woodpecker Removal and Relocation By Wildlife Control Experts

In addition to installing deterrents, physically removing woodpeckers and relocating them is sometimes necessary to resolve persistent woodpecker problems. This is best handled by professional wildlife control companies experienced with bird removal and proofing.

Why It’s Important to Hire Professionals

There are important reasons why you should hire professional wildlife removal experts like All Green Pest Control rather than trying to trap or kill woodpeckers yourself:

  • Compliance with Laws – Proper licensing is required to handle migratory birds protected under the Migratory Birds Convention Act. Professionals follow all regulations.
  • Preventing Return – Experts seal up home entry points and install deterrents after removal to prevent the same woodpeckers from coming back.
  • First-Time Resolution – Through experience trapping hundreds of woodpeckers, professionals resolve issues quickly and effectively to eliminate the problem birds from your property for good.
  • Humane Handling – Professionals use gentle, non-lethal traps and transport birds safely, minimizing stress to the animal during relocation.

Overview of Humane Woodpecker Trapping and Relocation Process

Experts at All Green Pest Control conduct licensed, humane woodpecker removal throughout Vancouver, BC. Our process involves careful planning and execution over the following steps:

  1. Identifying Entry Points – We locate all holes and access points on the home used by woodpeckers. This facilitates targeted trapping and allows sealing holes after removal.
  2. Installing One-Way Exclusion Devices – We insert one-way doors made of plastic mesh into primary woodpecker entry holes. The birds can exit but not re-enter.
  3. Setting Live Traps – Once one-way devices force the birds out, we set up live traps around active exit holes to safely capture the woodpeckers without harm.

Relocation Far from Property – Trapped woodpeckers are transported at least 5 miles away. We release them unharmed in a suitable habitat from where they cannot return to your property.

Protect Your Vancouver Home and Stop Woodpecker Damage for Good. Call Our Vancouver Bird Control Service Now: 604-990-0100

What to expect when you schedule our woodpecker removal

Step 1: Woodpecker Control Service Inspection

We conduct an inspection of the property to spot nuisance birds and choose the best management techniques.


icon bird

Step 2: Woodpecker Removal and Trapping

We will put Integrated Pest Management (IPM) tactics into practice. While our proven techniques are at work, we also provide you with helpful advice to exclude, clean up, or lessen pest bird attraction, roosting, and breeding in the future.


Step 3: Professional Woodpecker Control Exclusion

Our bird removal and control experts will locate and seal any potential entry points, ensuring a bird-free property after removal.

After Removal: Sealing Up Holes and Discouraging Return

After successfully trapping and relocating woodpeckers away, it is critical to seal up holes around your home to prevent the same or new woodpeckers from causing damage again:

  • Filling Holes – Small woodpecker holes are filled with wood filler, caulk, or vinyl patch kits to repair the infrastructure. Larger holes may need wood patches.
  • Installing Metal Barrier Patches – For persistent holes, metal barrier patches made of galvanized steel, aluminum, or copper can be installed over damaged areas using screws or construction adhesive.
  • Applying Bird Repellent – Woodpecker repellent gel or liquid should be applied around all previous drill points and potential problem areas to keep new birds from starting excavations.
  • Ongoing Maintenance – Continued inspection for new holes or drumming activity is needed. Reapply repellent as needed and refresh deterrents to maintain protection.

Evaluate Damage and Access Necessary Repairs

If woodpeckers have already extensively damaged your home, assess all impact areas:

  • Inspect Siding, Eaves, Vents, and Chimney – Use binoculars and get up on a ladder to view the full exterior for holes. Probe with a stick to check for hidden internal damage.
  • Look for Water Infiltration – Note areas where woodpecker holes may be letting in moisture leading to mold, wall rot, and structural issues needing repair.
  • Match Paint for Patched Holes – Use leftover paint if available or bring samples to get matching colors when filling drill points to achieve an invisible patch finish.
  • Ensure No Remaining Nest Access – Critical areas are vents, chimneys, and under eaves. Block all entry with metal flashing, wire mesh, or chimney caps to eliminate roosting spots.

Call Woodpecker Removal All Green Pest Control, Trusted Bird Control Experts in Vancouver

Battling woodpeckers at your Vancouver home can be frustrating and expensive if you don’t succeed in permanently getting rid of them. For proven woodpecker removal and exclusion services, call the experts at All Green Pest Control LTD at (604) 990-0100. Our integrated bird control solutions will help you protect your house from woodpecker damage for good.

In Addition to Vancouver Woodpecker Control Solutions…

All Green Pest Control also provides inspections, exterminations, and seasonal pest management services for insects, spiders, wasps, bed bugs, wildlife control, and more.