The raccoon is a 2- to 3-foot long stocky mammal weighing 10 to 30 pounds. It is furry with distinctive black-mask markings around its eyes and light and dark rings around its tail.
Raccoons cannot be considered as a wild animal but an urban animal. They can be found commonly on suburbs and cities and not on the natural areas that are undeveloped. This is why it is common for the human to encounter a raccoon. They are nocturnal, smart and active species, which is why it is fairly impossible to keep them away. However, there are professionals that offer their service to remove them.
During the winter season, raccoons will sleep for a wide period, but this is not form of their hibernation. In order to prepare for the coming of winter, the raccoon will consume and store body fats during the fall. This added fat gives them the energy to search for their food during the cold winter months. Some of their favorite foods would be plants, bird’s eggs, nuts, seeds, and fruits. In cities, they can be found scavenging on the garbage bins to find for scraps. They are also an excellent hunter and swimmer. When they are in the wild, their longevity can extend up to 3 years, when they are in captivity, they can live to up to 20 years.
Control & Prevention:
Raccoons will habitually perform their actions. Once they located your house, they will make it a habit to visit you. Most of the common sign of their presence include scattered garbage and tipped garbage bins. In case you find some dead birds, they can also be a sign of raccoon presence. There are times that the raccoons can cause damage in your property, particularly on your attic and roof. They can also a source of different health issues such as rabies.
The best technique to minimize the activity of the raccoon is to prevent them. Raccoons will visit any house where they can find foods. Here are some ways to keep them away:
- Sealing Your Garbage Cans-the raccoons have a strong thumb, and they can remove the seal of your garbage if they are broken or if they are loose. Try to find a garbage can that have clamp or handle that locks them in place.
- Avoid Feeding Them-In case you have pets in your house, you should not leave any food or water lying on their dishes. During night time, the raccoons may eat them. There are also instances where the raccoons and a house pet fought over the meals.
- Control their Access-Blocking their possible access is the best way to prevent them. Inspect your house for any crevices or hole. Use heavy screening to prevent their access. You can also seek the professionals in helping you block the possible entryways.
- Traps- In a persistent raccoons activity, you may be compelled to use traps against these creatures. Trapping is controlled by the wildlife department so consult with them before setting your traps.
There are raccoons that act rabid and active during the day. They may contain rabies and it is advisable to take extra caution when dealing with them. You may also seek the help of the professionals when removing them.
If you need help with your raccoon pest control issue, All Green Pest Control offers raccoon removal services in Vancouver.
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