Woodpecker Scary Eyes Bird Deterrent Installation in Vancouver

Woodpeckers can cause extensive damage to homes and properties as they drill holes seeking food and create nesting cavities. If you’re struggling with woodpeckers on your house or building, there is a safe and easy solution – the Woodpecker Scary Eyes Bird Deterrent. Developed by bird control experts, the Woodpecker Scary Eyes Bird Deterrent is a humane woodpecker deterrent that will get these persistent pests off your property for good.

Woodpecker Scary Eyes Bird Deterrent Installation in Vancouver

Keep reading to learn what attracts woodpeckers, the common areas they damage, why it’s important to deter them humanely, and how the Woodpecker Scary Eyes Bird Deterrent works to safely scare birds away. If you are dealing with bothersome woodpeckers on your home or business, call All Green Pest Control today at (604) 990-0100 to stop the pecking and property damage. Our team can provide customized solutions to match your needs.

Book Your Woodpecker Scary Eyes Bird Deterrent Installation

The Costly Effects of Woodpecker Damage

Woodpecker damage encompasses a variety of impacts ranging from feeding holes drilled into wood to search for insects, to larger nesting cavities excavated in trees or wooden structures for breeding purposes. Drumming marks, another form of damage, result from woodpeckers pecking at resonant surfaces to communicate territory and attract mates, often leading to cosmetic damage rather than structural harm.

What Attracts Woodpeckers to Nest and Feed on Buildings?

Woodpeckers chisel holes in search of food, nesting sites, or as part of their territorial or mating behaviors. Buildings with certain types of insulation or siding materials can attract woodpeckers. For instance, stucco, EIFS (Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems), and soft wooden materials can be easier for woodpeckers to dig into. They might mistake these materials for natural substrates or be attracted to the insects that reside within or beneath them.

Woodpecker Scary Eyes Bird Deterrent Installation in Vancouver

Keep Birds Away With Woodpecker Scary Eyes Bird Deterrent

The Woodpecker Scary Eyes Bird Deterrent deterrent from All Green Pest Control is an easy-to-use, humane solution for scaring away woodpeckers from houses and buildings. Key features include:

  • The ideal remedy for managing woodpeckers
  • 3D animated
  • No mess, no chemicals.
  • Adapts to the wind movement, intensifying the impact
  • The treated region is devoid of woodpeckers due to the visual bird deterrents.
  • Vibrant hues resemble real predators.
  • Includes a consultation for installation
  • Comes with mounting brackets for a simple and quick installation. 
  • Won’t hurt other birds or woodpeckers

Tips For Effectively Using Woodpecker Scary Eyes Bird Deterrent

To get optimal results with the Woodpecker Scary Eyes Bird Deterrent woodpecker deterrent, follow these tips:

1. Proper Placement

  • Visibility: Ensure the deterrents are placed in areas where they are highly visible to the woodpeckers. They should be installed near the affected area but in a position that makes them noticeable from a distance.
  • Height: Install the deterrents at or just above the height level where damage is occurring. Woodpeckers tend to attack at their own eye level or higher, so placing deterrents at the correct height is crucial.
  • Sunlight: Position the deterrents so that they catch and reflect sunlight, enhancing their visibility and effectiveness. The reflection can also contribute to the illusion of movement, making the predator eyes seem more realistic.

2. Movement is Key

  • Dynamic Placement: To increase effectiveness, make sure the Scary Eyes deterrents can move slightly in the wind. Movement helps to simulate a real predator, making the deterrents more convincing.
  • Rotation: Periodically change the location of the deterrents to prevent woodpeckers from becoming accustomed to them. Birds are intelligent and may realize stationary objects are not a threat over time.

3. Timely Installation

  • Early Intervention: Install the deterrents as soon as you notice woodpecker activity. It’s easier to prevent a habit than to break it. Early intervention can stop woodpeckers from becoming too comfortable or establishing a nesting site.
  • Seasonal Awareness: Be particularly vigilant during breeding seasons (spring) when woodpecker activity increases. Installing deterrents before this period can prevent initial damage.

4. Maintenance and Inspection

  • Regular Checks: Regularly inspect the condition and placement of the deterrents to ensure they remain effective. Weather conditions and time can reduce their effectiveness.
  • Cleanliness: Keep the deterrents clean from dust and debris, which can diminish their reflective properties and overall scariness.

5. Legal and Ethical Considerations

  • Compliance: Ensure that any action taken is in compliance with local wildlife protection laws. 
  • Humane Methods: Focus on humane, non-lethal methods for deterring woodpeckers. The goal is to discourage them from damaging property, not to harm them.
Woodpecker Scary Eyes Bird Deterrent Installation in Vancouver

Frequently Asked Questions About the Woodpecker Scary Eyes Bird Deterrent

Q: How long does it take for the Woodpecker Scary Eyes Bird Deterrent to effectively scare away woodpeckers?

A: The Woodpecker Scary Eyes Bird Deterrent works quickly to deter woodpeckers from houses and buildings. Many customers report seeing results within days of installing the deterrents. The reflective eyes and moving decoys startle birds and disrupt their patterns, encouraging them to find a new area to feed and nest instead of your home. Within the first week or two of using the Woodpecker Scary Eyes Bird Deterrent, you should notice less pecking, fewer sightings of woodpeckers, and over time they will completely abandon attempts to roost on your property. Be patient, as with any animal behavior change takes consistency over a period of weeks.

Q: Will woodpeckers get used to the Woodpecker Scary Eyes Bird Deterrent over time?

A: It’s unlikely woodpeckers will get accustomed or immune to the scare effect of the Woodpecker Scary Eyes Bird Deterrent over extended use. The deterrent works by triggering birds’ innate fear responses with the realistic eyes that seem to follow them. The unexpected flashing and movement makes it impossible for animals to fully adapt.

To ensure the product remains effective, it’s recommended to occasionally move or add Woodpecker Scary Eyes Bird Deterrent units to maintain that element of surprise. Combining with other deterrents like noisemakers provides an additional layer of protection too. With regular maintenance and variation, woodpeckers will learn your property is not a safe place for them.

Q: Is the Woodpecker Scary Eyes Bird Deterrent safe and humane for woodpeckers?

A: Yes, the Woodpecker Scary Eyes Bird Deterrent provides a safe, humane way to scare woodpeckers off your home or building for good. It does not harm birds in any way…Further details on safety and humaneness

Why Choose All Green Pest Control For Your Woodpecker Problems?

If woodpeckers are destroying your property with relentless pecking, holes, and nests, the Woodpecker Scary Eyes Bird Deterrent product is an affordable and humane solution. With over 25 years of experience in effective and humane bird control solutions, All Green Pest Control is the company to turn to for getting rid of woodpeckers.  

Contact the bird control experts at All Green Pest Control today by calling (604) 990-0100 to stop woodpecker damage for good!